Saturday 26 October 2013

I Wish You....

You know what I hate most in the world?

People believing something about me that is false, and not being able to anything about it.  I mean, I'm not saying I hate that MORE than suffering, planet destruction, lack of world peace - I mean in a smaller sense, obviously!

Although doesn't 'world peace' start with us, in a sense?

Does it mean I'm a control freak, and have to have every like me? Or does it mean I'm too nice, and feel guilty when I upset a person, even though they are actually wrong about what I have done? Whichever it is, I drive myself mad worrying about it. Did I do the right thing? What are they saying about me? Why am I so worried about something so insignificant, in the great scheme of things? What if the person I upset is devastated and lapses into illness and depression?!

Ok, I know that last one is over dramatic but really, my mind goes there...

In the end, I have left a website I was an active member of for several reasons - this was simply the last push. I have tried several times to fix the issue, I have tried to resolve it, I have done everything I can, but in the end, I have to go, because these things were not accepted.  

I wish everyone on that site well. I hope they continue to write wonderful poems. I pray that God will bless them in every way imaginable. 



  1. I don't know, I think when someone on a site can attack another member and get away with it by lying then something has to be done.............Dad X

    1. Yes, Dad, absolutely, but I think I've done what can myself, and its best left to those in charge now. I didn't write that because I think it shouldn't be dealt with but because I have to 'close' it for my own peace of mind, in my current state, so that was my way of letting it go, now I've left. Thank you for your support, love you x

  2. Replies
    1. Is that you Sarah? lol thanks love you too xxxxx

  3. I am sorry I am just seeing this today - I see you became a 'follower' on 'Expressions' and I want to thank you Ruth. I am so deeply saddened by your departure from the website you were writing about. I can't express enough to you that I think this is a mistake - and then your partner leaving also. You know who I mean...I can't understand why a person can't be blocked from communicating or comments or emails to another member. Your are so missed and so loved my poetry friend. I am very sad...

    Rhoda Galgiani

    1. Rhoda, thank you for stopping by! The mistake was made by the person who, once again, did not support or believe me, and because of the way she has continually treated us. I wouldn't have left just because of the other member. Yes, it is a mistake but it is not mine. I don't know what you've been told on the site, but I suspect it isn't true! I went out of my way to resolve it but the fact is sometimes you just have to move on. I hope we can keep in touch. Rx
